20 Feb 23 SF presents Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at The Greenhouse Center for Environmental Humanities, University of Stavanger, Norway. Recording available here.
9 Dec 22 SF presents Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at SAPL, Newcastle University.
9 Nov 22 SF contributes to Deviant Design/Ecologies of Inception: Books in Conversation, with Craig Martin and Ruth Lang, Frictions Lecture Series, ESALA, Edinburgh.
8 Nov 22 SF contributes to the Design Council's Design for Planet Festival 2022 , Exploring 'Next Practice' in the Built Environment panel, with Tara Gbolade and Paul Ring. Watch it here: https://youtu.be/74P902iXGFw.
11 Sept 22 SF presents Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at The University of Sydney.
9 June 22 SF presents Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at the Low Carbon Design Institute, London.
1 June 22 SF contributes to "Essential Shifts: Ecological & Climate Emergencies in Architectural Education: How do we deliver a responsive education?," organised by Architecture Fringe, Missing in Architecture and Robert Gordon University. Register here: tinyurl.com/yckpbe7y.
27 May 22 SF facilitates, with Derek McDonald, Laura Harty, and Marcelo Dias, the Climascore 2 workshop, ESALA, Edinburgh.
18-22 May 22 installation of Cumulo (Heap/Cloud) at Genova BeDesign Week 2022.
20 May 22 SF presents "Ecologie dell'utilizzo: progettare su un pianeta che si riscalda" at Genova BeDesign Week 2022, Genova, Italy.
7 Feb 22 SF presents the forthcoming Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at the Design for Change MA, School of Design, Edinburgh College of Art.
24 Nov 21 SF presents key themes in Ecologies of Inception: Design Potentials on a Warming Planet at the ESALA Climate Action Pecha Kucha event, SpACE, Edinburgh.
27 Oct 21 SF contributes to a roundtable event about "Training Environmentally Responsible Students," organised by the Centre for Ethics and Critical Thought (CRITIQUE), The University of Edinburgh. Recording available here.
24 June 21 SF, alongside colleagues Moa Carlsson and Remo Pedreschi, presents "Business as Unusual: Pedagogical Experiments at ESALA" at the ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference: Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design (in)Action, New York.
22 June 21 SF presents "Radical Co-authorship: Learning from Waste" at the workshop Repairing, Repurposing, Retreating: The Materialities of Climate Response, sponsored by the Urban Infrastructures Research Group at the Manchester Urban Institute and the Economy & Culture and Urban Worlds research clusters at Durham University.
3 June 21 SF presents "Radical Co-authorship: Materials for the 21st Century" at the Low Carbon Design institute, London.
21 August 20 SF defends his PhD thesis Ecologies of Inception: Designing Hyperobjects at the European Graduate School (EGS), with Graham Harman, Timothy Morton, and Christopher Fynsk.
2 March 19 SF presents "Metabolic Design: Towards radical co-authorships" at Living Architecture Systems Group Symposium, Toronto, Canada. Recording available here.
27-31 August 18 SF delivers, with the Experimental Architecture Group (Rachel Armstrong and Rolf Hughes) and Kristi Grišakov, the workshop "Learning from Landscape, Forging Folklore, Tallinn Tales" at the TTU Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies, Tallinn, Estonia.
20 July 18 SF presents "Metabolic Cities" at the V&A Future Series: Cities, V&A, London.
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[for further information about earlier talks, exhibitions, and publications, see here]